Are things happening around you that give you reason to pause? Do world events or things closer to home alarm or surprise you? Are they chance happenings or symptomatic of a world in dire need of change? Unfortunately humanity with the assistance of popular media tends to gravitate towards the negative despite...
Cheering the Women at Sochi
Cheering the Women at Sochi When the teams march into Fisht Olympic Stadium on February 7, 2014 for the Opening Ceremonies, the number of women representing their country, as Olympians, will have grown significantly from the first modern Winter Games in Chamonix, France, 90 years ago. At that time there were only...
Bridging the Generation Gap with Storytelling
You’ve probably heard it a hundred times, read the poster and seen the t-shirt – “If I’d known grandchildren were so much fun, I’d have had them first.” My children changed my life forever making it better; however, grandchildren provide an additional richness that I never imagined. What made the difference? Perhaps...
Alberta’s Historic 2013 Floods
During the last month the world as we knew it changed. Living in the middle of the prairies, floods are not something we think about or even anticipate. Without tsunamis or hurricanes, flooding seemed far removed; yet in June 2013 Alberta witnessed the destruction that accompanies the influx of too much water...
Because I Can
Sometimes things don’t happen for a reason taking us to where we are supposed to be allowing for awesome, inspiring connections. Yesterday I went to meet a friend and it appears they forgot we had made arrangements. A bit disappointed I left and ended up at a local grocery store, where I...