Globally many citizens are fearful and distrustful. Furthermore, two thirds of the population believe most people cannot be trusted, while political leaders may elicit less confidence. This is perhaps due to its similarity to “reality TV shows”. Trust, the firm belief (confidence) in someone’s/something’s ability to deliver what is promised, is not easily won. Are constituents’...
ML Leadership
How Do You Want to be Remembered? Personal Mission Statements Help
Do you ever ponder this? It may lead to a decision changing the course and outcome of your life. A similar question was posed to me about 20 years ago and led to the creation of my personal mission statement. To this day, I carry around in my wallet the original scrape of blue...
Authentic Leaders Take Us to New Places
Authentic Leaders Take Us to New Places The challenges and issues that organizations face change over time. This is also true of the communities we live in. Corporations may bring in individuals with specific skill sets to lead them through those challenges and then transition them out when stability returns. Civic leadership...
Don’t Limit Your Impact – Commit!
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. ― Dr. Seuss The world is seeking committed leaders. It needs those who care more about community and the individuals in it. The need for this has not changed through the ages; however, how society...
Mindfulness & Your Next Cup of Coffee
At times there is nothing quite like a good cup of coffee. A few connoisseurs I’m acquainted with have shared the fact that it can provide a moment to slow down. Is it possible that the deliberate yet simple act of pausing to savour a hot beverage in the midst of a...